MIT Quest Mission UROP appointments
- These UROPS will be affiliated with MIT Quest Mission projects and work with a PI on specific mission.
- The Quest Missions are focused on different areas of research:
- Developmental Intelligence, led by Josh Tenenbaum (quest-di-urops@mit.edu).
- Embodied Intelligence, led by Nancy Kanwisher and Leslie Kaelbling (ngk@mit.edu, lpk@mit.edu).
- Collective Intelligence, led by Tom Malone (malone@mit.edu).
- Language, led by Ev Federenko (evelina9@mit.edu) and Jacob Andreas (jdandreas@gmail.com).
- More information on these missions is available in the research section of the website, and each mission includes multiple PIs. Please contact the mission leads for information about specific UROP positions in one of the labs that is part of each mission.
MIT Quest Systems Engineering Team UROP appointments
- These UROPS will also be affiliated with MIT Quest Mission projects
- These UROPs will work with a member of the Quest Systems Engineering Team on a specific Mission.
- Please look at the Systems Engineering Team UROP appointments in the MIT UROP listings here.
After discussion with either the PI mentor (for Quest Mission UROP appointments) or with the engineer mentor (for Quest Systems Engineering Team UROP appointments), students should submit their proposals via the application portal at the UROP website. Students should then select Supervisor/Sponsored Research Funding (not Direct Funding as these will be rejected and returned during the initial review). The DLC is the Quest for Intelligence and the cost object will be 1111111.