Erik Vogan
As Executive Director, Erik Vogan is responsible for helping shape and implement the Quest's strategic vision. He oversees strategy, operations, and funding for the Quest, setting the mid- and long-term strategic and operational goals and raising the funds to enable those goals. This includes interacting with partners and collaborators, including industry, government, and philanthropic funders. He also is responsible for recruiting, hiring, and developing both administrative and software engineering professionals and guiding them to execute on the Quest's goals.
Erik Vogan's background and experience as a startup entrepreneur, executive, and structural biologist informs his role in the Quest, helping him find common ground with scientists, engineers, corporate and philanthropic funders, and others. He holds a PhD in biochemistry from Brandeis University and an MBA from MIT’s Sloan School of Management. Prior to joining the Quest, he was a Program Director for MIT's Industrial Liaison Program and held leadership or founding positions in biopharma and high technology startups.