Bilge Yildiz
Bilge Yildiz is interested in high-efficiency devices for energy conversion and information processing based on solid state ionic-electronic materials.

Bilge Yildiz is a professor in MIT's departments of Nuclear Science and Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering and leads the Laboratory for Electrochemical Interfaces. Her research focuses on laying the scientific groundwork and proof-of-principle material systems for the next generation of high-efficiency devices for energy conversion and information processing, by combining in situ surface sensitive experiments with first-principles calculations and novel atomistic simulations. Her work has made significant contributions to advancing the molecular-level understanding of oxygen exchange kinetics on solid surfaces, and of ion and electron transport, under electro-chemo-mechanical conditions. Before coming to MIT, Yildiz worked at Argonne National Laboratory. She earned a BS in nuclear energy from Hacettepe University, and a PhD in nuclear engineering from MIT.